Sunday, April 19, 2009


1) Baby Jason at Tenwek -- On April 9, Dr Russ removed the stomach feeding tube from Jason. He is taking milk by mouth and doing very well. Interestingly enough they encourage mothers to feed their babies by cup instead of bottle here in Kenya. They say it's easier to wash a cup than a bottle.
2) Josephine and the twins -- Remember the HEART Women's director that had twins about 2 months ago? One of the twins was born with spina bifida. Well, that twin--the little girl--has had two surgeries and is doing very well. In fact, we hear that she is very active and is able to move her legs.
3) Our small Anglican Church was packed this morning when Judy was privileged to preach. The topic they had requested was "The Power of the Holy Spirit." Judy enjoyed several weeks of study preparation for this sermon. The people were very attentive and receptive to the message. Eight of those in attendance raised their hands to indicate that they were choosing to have a closer walk with Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
WHY is Judy on a motor bike? Well, Phil and Judy couldn't resist the adventure of using one of the motor taxis for the 3-mile transport back to campus from Mombasa Road. Judy's ride was actually quite comfortable, but Phil had to sit on the hard rack in back of the cushioned seat. The driver drove slowly--for the comfort of his older passengers. At the end of the ride Phil asked the amount of the charge and the driver said Ksh 100 ($1.25). Judy told him she knew the rate is Ksh 40 per person, and that they had intended to give him a tip anyway; so, he didn't have to make the charge larger. He had a large grin on his face as he knew he'd been caught.
Have you been praying for us this week? Well, we really needed it physically. Last week Judy had caught a cold which turned into a sinus and bronchial infection--which triggered the asthma. Fortunately, we'd brought prednisone and antibiotics along on the trip. Judy is feeling better now--but Phil has the sniffles. Thank you for being our partners in prayer!

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