Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tenwek Hospital Sign

Tenwek Hospital was founded in 1959 by the World Gospel Mission. It is near Bomet, located on the map of Kenya shown on this sign. It was a 4-hour drive from Nairobi, for us, and 6 hours from Athi River. Tenwek is a 300-bed hospital--the largest mission hospital in Kenya. Dr. Russ White is medical superintendent (since July, 2008) and head surgeon. He is a graduate of Roberts Wesleyan College, where he studied physics, as an undergraduate, with Phil. Beth, the wife of Russ, was also a student there. In addition to his work at Tenwek, Dr. White is on the medical research faculty at Brown University.

We were amazed at the facilties and donated equipment, which allow quite complicated treatments and surgeries to take place. Tenwek is also a teaching hospital. They have trained many Kenyans; some of which are employed at Tenwek. There are currently 15 medical missionaries at Tenwek and a constant flow of short-term medical missionaries (2 weeks to 6 months) from other countries.

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