Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Baby Jason

When this baby was 2 days old, Dr. White gave him a two-part operation. First, he reconnected the esophagus to his stomach; when he was born, the esophagus was connected to his lungs. Second, he gave him a colonostomy. On this photo the baby is 6 days old. He is doing well, though still fighting pneumonia--which was produced from the esophagus transferring fluid to the lungs before the operation. He will eventually need several other operations, including an opening in the rectum for the large colon to empty there.

This baby was born with the same syndrome that Judy's child, Jason, had been born with in January, 1978. Judy's child's first surgery had also been on the esophagus; but, Jason died when he was 2 days old.

When Dr. White realized this child at Tenwek Hospital was born with the same syndrome, he asked if he could name him Jason, after Judy's deceased child. The parents of the child had asked Dr. White to give the child a name.

Please pray for baby Jason.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very moving story. We'll pray for baby Jason and his family.
