Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Phil's Ankle is Great

We wanted to let you know that Phil's ankle was healed within 24 hours of posting the prayer request. Monday night when we posted the request, his ankle was swollen and throbbing with pain. He slept with it elevated and ice bags on it, and of course we (and you) prayed. When he woke up Tuesday morning, the pain and swelling were gone. He has done much walking with no problems since then. Thank you for your prayers.

Several of you have mentioned that you have had problems trying to post comments. We need to let you know that we monitor the comments--meaning that they aren't posted until Phil or I look at them. We haven't rejected any yet--but this does account for the time delay.

According to our emails, we understand that many of you are faithfully following the blog, even though you aren't official "followers." That is an encouragement to us!! --Judy

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