Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Lilies?

Although we missed being with our children and grand- children, seeing Easter lilies, Easter baskets with candy, painting colored eggs, and going to Easter sunrise breakfast with our family and friends, we enjoyed the core of the Easter celebration--which is the church rejoicing in the resurrection of our Lord.

We began with a Good Friday service at our local Anglican Church. The service featured the 7 last phrases of Christ on the cross. Each segment included a hymn (African style) with a scripture reading and homily.

Apparently, one of the Easter traditions introduced by the British is hot cross buns. Phil and Judy purchased theirs in Nairobi to have for Easter breakfast.

Yesterday, Easter Sunday, we went in to Nairobi with friends and participated in a fine Easter worship service at the Kilileshwa Covenant Community Church. This is a contemporary, urban Kenyan church. Praise music by Keith Green, Dallas Holm, and Hillsong was prominent.

Following the service, we had lunch at an Ethopian restaurant. This was our first time to experience Ethopian food--but it won't be our last. We ordered 2 large platters of food. There were 8 to 10 items per platter. Individually we had no plates or flatware. Each person first took one of the rolls (which was a flat, spongy, crepe-type bread rolled rectangularly). The idea was to tear off a portion of your roll and use it to pick up whatever you wanted off of the platter. The food included goat meat, cabbage, red beets, various beans, etc. All was finely seasoned. The whole finger-eating process was rather messy, but the food was great.

And the rose? Well, we'll tell you about that in a later post :-)

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