Saturday, April 25, 2009

Superb Starlings & HEART Report

We saw these beautiful birds on the dirt road in front of our flat. They are called Superb Starlings.

HEART Report -- Remember back in January when Judy began work on the Freedom for Girls pamphlet? This teaching pamphlet will be sent out with the sanitary pads and panties packages being donated by Proctor & Gamble. It is exciting that the final version of this pamphlet is now at the printers.

Also, after working for many hours, Judy has handed over the computer draft version of a HEART gift catalogue. One of the HEART employees has now been designated to take over this project. It will be rewarding to see this project completed in the next several months.

Over the past month, HEART has raised $26,000 in the U.S., for the purpose of taking food and water to those areas of Kenya hardest hit by the drought and famine. We plan to make a donation to this need from the Pearce Church fund, when we go to the HEART office to say good-bye on May 8.

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