Sunday, April 19, 2009

Phil & Judy at Primarosa

We thought to give you a diversion from our usual type of postings. Hope you enjoy! A couple of weeks ago Phil and Judy took a tour of Primarosa, a business located about 3 1/2 miles from Daystar Athi River. This business employs 700 people from the area in growing rose bushes and long-stemmed rose blossoms. All the roses are grown in greenhouses so that the growing conditioning and pests can be controlled. The roses are planted in shredded coconut husk materials purchased from Sri Lanka. A slow-drip tube hose irrigation system is used for watering. There are several pump buildings operated by computers. With this they are able to control the amount of fertilizer and pH level in the water. We were told that 23% of the gross national product of Kenya is horticulture. This includes maize and other crops, besides these roses.
What do you think is the most popular color of roses sold? It is pink and the least popular is red (except for Valentines Day). In fact, we saw a large wagon load of red roses being thrown out because they couldn't be sold. Judy wanted to take the roses home with her :-)

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