Monday, March 30, 2009

Trouble Posting Photos & Prayer Requests

We are having difficulty posting photos because of a slow internet connection, so will settle for a text posting this time. We are looking forward to traveling this Thursday to Tenwek Hospital in western Kenya for a visit with Dr. Russ White and his family. Russ is the head surgeon at Tenwek. He and his wife, Beth, are both graduates of Roberts Wesleyan College, and Russ was one of Phil's students there. We plan to return on Monday, the 6th of April. Please pray for our safety as we travel.

Also, would you please pray for Phil as he has a sprained ankle. He didn't see a hole in the ground and tripped. As our main mode of transportation around campus is walking, a quick healing would really be good!

Praise the Lord in that we received a 20-minute rain yesterday (Sunday). This was the first rain in quite awhile. We're praying that the rains continue--so thanks for joining us in that prayer.

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