Sunday, March 1, 2009

Josephine & Twins - Prayer Request

Josephine is the staff member at HEART in charge of the overall WEEP program. This photo was taken when Josephine was eight months pregnant. Last week the twins were born--a boy and a girl. The girl was born with spina bifida. Josephine and the children are currently in the missions hospital in Kijabe. The first operation to close the opening in the spine was successfully performed on the little girl; however, they haven't yet inserted the shunt, etc.

Would you please join us in prayer for this family? Josephine lost a baby a couple of years ago and doesn't have other children besides these precious little twins.


  1. Is there good hospital care for infants born pre-mature and/or with severe health problems?
    My heart cries out to God for this Mommy.

  2. Josephine is at the best hospital in this area--which is the mission hospital. They don't have the equipment that is available in some other countries, but the personnel are amazing. Thanks for your compassion and prayers.
