Monday, March 9, 2009

Judy Tells A Children's Story

This past Sunday Judy told a child evangelism story called Mama Brown the Chicken to about 30 children and 3 adults. We were gathered under a tree to be in the shade. Phil took this photo as the session was getting started. During the story Judy was holding a large cardboard chicken and other props. She also did quite a bit of clucking like a chicken. Halfway through the story a rooster came up to the trunk of the tree and watched Judy. At one point he even crowed. The children gave him very little attention as this is part of their everyday life and they acted as if the rooster was just part of the story. At the conclusion of the story Judy asked how many children wanted to give their hearts to Jesus, to be forgiven of their sins and live in heaven one day with Jesus. About 15 boys and girls raised their hands and prayed a prayer with Judy! Please pray for these precious young children. Eight of these children were former Nairobi street boys who in the past two weeks have come to live at a home for boys not too far from our campus.

You can see two cars behind Judy. These are the only cars bringing people to the church--most of the people walk.

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