Thursday, March 12, 2009

Prayer Request for This Weekend

Phil and Judy will be traveling on the 5:30 a.m. bus on Friday, 13 March, to spend a weekend of very busy ministry in Nairobi. Judy will be presenting three times (once to a group of Olive Branch women--Friday; Sunday School for children in the Free Methodist church in Karen; and preaching in the adult Sunday morning service at the same church). We will be going to Kibera on Saturday to visit a branch where Olive Branch women make jewelry. We will also be meeting with friends during the weekend.

Please pray for an anointing of God's spirit; strength for both of us; protection and guidance.

You may have heard on the news about some rioting in the Nairobi area. We haven't personally seen much evidence of what is going on. We are registered with the U.S. Embassy here in Kenya and so receive notification when things are happening. We feel quite safe.

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