Monday, March 16, 2009

Teaching at Karen & A Prayer Request

MANY thanks for your prayers as we had a full weekend of ministry in Nairobi. The grace of God was evident! We also appreciate John and Dorcas Parit of the Olive Branch Mission as they drove us, translated for us, and made our weekend enjoyable.

In this photo, Judy is telling the story of Mama Brown the Chicken to the children at the Karen Free Methodist Church. Carol, a graduate student at Daystar University, is translating.

Following the children's time, Judy preached at the adult service on the topic The Good Thing About Storms. The people were very responsive to the message.

Prayer Request - The night watchman who worked for two of the Daystar faculty (they live off campus) died this past Friday. He was only 40 years old and leaves behind a wife and three children. We were told he had a stroke and a heart attack. Please pray for this family. The husband was the sole source of income. We will be giving a donation from the Pearce Missions fund to help with funeral expenses.

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