Monday, March 9, 2009

Giraffes & Rhythms of Life

Saturday evening as we were riding in the bus back to campus, the driver took a different dirt road and we saw many wild animals, including a herd of 8 giraffes close to the campus. Don't you wish you were here?

We have established a more consistent rhythm to our weekly schedule here in Kenya. Tuesday noon we eat in the college cafeteria as Phil is between classes. This is giving us an opportunity to sample a broader spectrum of the staple Kenyan foods. Wednesday evenings for dinner we go to a little cafe fairly close outside of campus. The floor of the cafe is dirt, the walls are stacked bales of hay covered with mud, there are picnic tables, and the only light is from kerosene lamps. The cafe is run by a Daystar grad. He picks an ethnic food for each night and uses locals to help with the cooking. He has no electricity or running water. Last Wednesday was Mexican--Judy's favorite. A meal for the two of us runs about Ksh 200 (about $2.60) as we share a single plate (generous portions). We carry our own drinking water. Thursday evenings there is a faculty Bible study with a potential of 14 people. Two weeks ago we hosted for the first time and there were 12 present. We had to borrow cups and chairs--but oh well. The host provides a sweet and beverages. Friday, Saturday and sometimes Sunday we spend in Nairobi working at HEART and other activities. It is an adventure catching the 5:30 a.m. bus for Nairobi as we must get up at 4:30 a.m. and then walk 15 minutes in the dark on a dirt road to where we meet the bus. During the days when we are home, Phil/Judy take turns on the laptop. Because Jon Masso has been appointed Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Phil is picking up more class-related work. Judy is working on a project catalog for HEART. And so the rhythm goes......................

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