Sunday, January 18, 2009

There are MANY security guards all over campus 24/7. This man and woman are two of them. They are very friendly and helpful. Our housing building has only 4 units, but we also have our own guard 24/7. The other day we were working in the Science Dept office after hours and couldn't get the door open to leave. We were thankful that a security guard was close by and came to our rescue, so we didn't have to spend the night!

Last Friday we took a campus bus into Nairobi. The 25-mile trip in took about 2 hours. The roads leading into the city are very rough and the traffic congestion in Nairobi is much like Los Angeles. We were able to buy a cell phone and conduct some business on the Daystar Nairobi campus. We will be going into Nairobi probably once a week, but it is nice to come back to our country campus. No, we didn't take our camera in to Nairobi--we didn't want to look like tourists. Phil was very careful to not take out our map for consultation while in public. We rode the Nairobi public bus for a short distance. The fare was KSh20 (2-3 cents). One of these times we'll try out the matatus (private vans) when our courage is a bit higher.

Phil spent most of the day Saturday doing class preparations. Today, Sunday, we attended an Anglican church. It was in a corrugated tin building. There were about 50 in attendance--most of the congregation made up of folks living outside Daystar. Most of the time the service was conducted in both English and Kiswahili. Folks here are very friendly.

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