Thursday, January 29, 2009

Faculty Flat & Avoiding an Explosion (Praise)

We thought you might like to see where we are living at the Athi River campus. It is the building in the center of the photo, with a red roof. There are 4 units in the building. We are located on the south side of campus with the football (our soccer) and rugby fields behind us.
Remember back when we said there was NO hot water in the flat? Well, some of the maintenance folks came and managed to get hot water running for the bathrooms. When they left, they said something about turning the hot water heater (a 20 gal tank) on an hour before we took a shower. Not wanting to get up early the next morning, we decided to leave it on when we went to bed. At about 3 a.m. Judy was awakened by a noise and realized the hot water tank was sounding like a big hot pot -- getting ready to boil. She woke Phil and they ran to turn on faucets to relieve pressure. Turns out the tank has no thermostat, safety valve, etc. We thank God we didn't blow up the flat! We are now obedient and turn it on very early in the morning.


  1. Is that four rows of barb wire surrounding the building? How is security there? What percentage of the folks live on campus?

  2. Hi Josh, yes it is barb wire. Actually security is good. We have a total of 60 security guards at the Athi River campus who work 12-hr shifts (30 at a time). The Athi River campus has dorms and hostels (self-catering) for the students. Athi River is a live-in campus; whereas, Nairobi is strictly a commuter campus. Most of the faculty/staff at Athi River commute from Nairobi.
