Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Local Market & High Altitude Cooking

Not far outside of the Daystar Athi River campus, there is a market area of six vegetable/ fruit stands run by local women. This is where Phil and Judy go to buy fresh fruit and vegetables in between doing larger amounts of shopping in Athi River proper. Not having a vehicle it appears that we may be doing quite a bit of shopping at this market. This is almost like Wegmans or Albertsons!!!

Judy was completely oblivious to the fact that one needs to make adjustments when cooking, especially when making baked goods, in a high altitude. One day she decided to surprise Phil with butterscotch brownies. About 15 minutes after placing the pan in the oven she looked in to see a rather mushroom-effect taking place. The mixture puffed up and then ran over into the bottom of the oven. What was left in the pan was all gooey. After that Judy read in the cookbook "because of the decrease in barometric pressure at high altitudes, the carbon dioxide gas expands more quickly and thus the greater leavening action." On her second attempt she used half of the amount of baking soda and powder, less sugar, and more flour AND baked one cookie at a time until the consistency was right. This is a completely different way of cooking. Guess this dog isn't too old to learn new tricks!

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