Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Local Café

This photo is of a café across the road from the entrance to Daystar. We haven’t yet eaten anywhere but our flat (except for dinner after church last Sunday in the Massos’ home). On Monday, Phil was at the office so Judy went into Athi River with 4 other people who have a rental car for a few days. They took her to the area where people sell fruits and vegetables from their lean-to structures. We now have a good selection of things to eat. Of course, all had to be soaked for 20 minutes in dish detergent water mixed with bleach, then thoroughly scrubbed and rinsed, before we could peel and eat.

The side roads are all dirt, BUT the public roads are half and half. Half pavement and half potholes, plus the sides of the roads have broken away. One has to drive slowly from side to side in among traffic trying to do the same. Judy thought she heard her teeth rattling. We plan to take buses and matatus (private vans) for our transportation.

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