Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Praise Report #2 and Now in Kenya

When we were in the Tswana church in Thlbane, South Africa, there was a call for people to come forward for prayer. Many came, so they asked Judy to help pray with people. As Judy spoke with one man of about 40 years, she realized he had not yet asked Jesus to be his Lord and Saviour. Judy was privileged to lead him to the Lord.

With our vacation in SA now behind us, we are settling in and beginning our volunteer work in Kenya. This photo is of the entrance to the Athi River campus of Daystar University, about 40 km southeast of Nairobi. This area was recently redone and is not entirely reflective of the whole of the campus. Our flat (apartment) is quite spacious (complete with mosquito nets), but has a water problem – mainly there is no hot water. We are heating water for our bucket showers and washing dishes. Of course, we are also filtering our drinking water. We haven’t yet tried to wash clothes and will soon hire someone to do that. Ordinary things take longer here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judy & Phil - Wow! Sounds like you've already had lots of adventure! The pictures are great - some of the scenery is breathtaking! Glad you are adjusting. We know you are making a difference already. God bless! Brooke & Gregg
