Monday, January 5, 2009

Lion Park, Sunday, 1/4/09 & Praise!

Amazing! Phil is holding a 5-mth old lion. These cubs had very sharp teeth and claws, but didn't use them. At about 6 mths they hit puberty and can no longer be handled by us amateurs.

Praise report -- Saturday evening we were on a public road outside of Rustenburg. It was very dark. We were trying to turn right--across traffic--on to a dirt road where our B&B was located. Driving on the left side of the road and shifting with his left hand, it was challenging enough for Phil--w/o being able to see where we were going. He almost stopped on the roadway and one car slowed behind us. Phil thought he could see the road and started to turn--just at that time a car came whizzing down the road and went around both of us. Judy was loudly saying "people" (why not car?) and Phil saw the car coming in time to stop. Our hearts were beating very loudly!!! God certainly did protect us.

Thanks for praying for us!!!


  1. Your adventure sounds like fun and fright but what's going to a new place without a few exciting moments!
    We are thankful for God's protection for you!!

  2. Dear Phil and Judy: Sounds like you are having quite an African adventure...while we are hard at work! Blessings!
