Monday, May 11, 2009

Weaver Bird Nests in Acacia Tree

These weaver bird nests are very common in this area. This photo was taken here on the campus not far from our flat. The opening of the nest is at the bottom in order to prevent snakes and other predators from stealing eggs or baby birds. The acacia tree is the most common tree in Kenya and comes in many varieties. Most of them have very long, sharp thorns such as those in this photo.
Judy told a story (with some help from Phil) to the children at St. John's Anglican Church yesterday morning. We made a crown of thorns from acacia branches to help illustrate the story, called "He Took My Whipping," which ended with the crucifixion of Jesus. In the story, Phil played the part of a boy who volunteers to take the punishment for another boy who is caught stealing in school. The punishment for stealing was a whipping of 5 strikes. Judy actually got to have Phil bend over and receive 5 strikes. We used a hollow cardboard tube--so it sounded more dramatic than it felt. The children really laughed at Phil's reaction :-) Of course, it quite effectively drove home the truth of Jesus taking our punishment by his whipping, suffering, and death on the cross.

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