Sunday, May 3, 2009

Langata Giraffe Centre

On Thursday, Phil and Judy borrowed a Daystar vehicle and Phil experienced driving in Kenya. We wanted to play tourists for the first time and visit four different sites in the Langata and Karen region. Public transportation wouldn't have worked and hiring a taxi for the day would have been costly. Phil did a good job of negotiating the traffic--including one 45-minute period to go 1 1/2 miles.

Our first stop was at the Langata Giraffe Centre, where Rothschild giraffes roam the grounds. At one time they were on the endangered species list. The giraffes around the Athi River campus are Maasai giraffes. The most noticeable difference is with the coloration and shape of the spots.

And why is this giraffe reaching over Judy's shoulder? She is standing on the feeding platform built on the second story of a building, and of course Judy is offering the giraffe food. We have a great shot of both Phil and the giraffe sticking out their tongues. But, as he didn't want it posted on this blog, you'll have to wait to see our photos after we arrive home.

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