Monday, May 11, 2009

Monkey in Backyard

This monkey loves the tiny red berries on the tree in our backyard. He is standing on the platform for one of our water tanks. The photo was taken through one of the windows in our flat. We had been watching many birds as they also enjoyed the berries.

While we think the monkeys are quite cute, they can also get into lots of mischief. Our friends, Humberto and Teri Paz, live in Nairobi. (He is the Foursquare missions supervisor for the entire continent.) While they were out of the house, a monkey entered the house through a second-story open window. The monkey tore down the shower curtain and rod; tossed the bed linens around the room and generally trashed the room. Fortunately, he wasn't able to open the door to get into the rest of the house.

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