Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Judy and Her Boys

Judy speaks -- As we tie up the loose ends and say good-bye to people here in Kenya, it is with a sense of reward, fulfillment, and a thankfulness to God for this opportunity. We have greatly missed our family members and think that if God allows us to do another missions endeavor in the future, we will go for a shorter period of time. Perhaps 5-6 weeks.

We have just heard from Dr. Russ White, at Tenwek Hospital, and he says that baby Jason is doing great. They are just waiting for his weight to increase before they send him home. Russ promises to send us a photo in the near future.

Last Thursday we took our last trip to the Olive Branch and with gifts said good-bye to the Parit family.

On Friday we then took our last trip to HEART where I gave them further guidance on the gift catalog that I had created. That evening we took Teri and Beto Paz (Foursquare missions supervisor) and Vickie Winkler (HEART director) for a nice dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Nairobi. We spent the night with the Pazs who have graciously housed us whenever we went to HEART.

On Sunday, Ruth (a member at St. Johns) and I sang a duet in the morning church service. Then Phil and I told a story, taught a song, and gave out lollipops to all the children present. Some of the children are in this photo. These particular boys are orphans and former street boys who now live at a Youth for Christ home. They have captured my heart.

On Monday I took gift bags to the 7 shop owners where I bought my fruits/vegetables/eggs. They were suprised.

On Tuesday we had our househelper for tea and gave her a parting gift. Ruth came by in the afternoon and we gave her a couple of bags of clothes and miscellaneous things for her to use or give to others. And so we move on with our preparations to go home.

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