Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mosquito nets

We are so thankful that our double bed has a generously-sized mosquito net hanging over it. During the day we simply gather the netting and tie a knot in it. In the evenings, when we are sitting in the living room of our flat, we have to wear mosquito repellent and battle with the mosquitos. There have been several occasions when we have slept in places w/o netting and had to put up with the buzzing and biting during the night. Also, we slept at one place where the net was too small and we wrestled all night with becoming tangled in the net.

We will not miss the mosquitos, nor the spiders (ours are black and about 1" in diameter), nor the flying termites (2 1/2" wide with gossamer wings) which are attracted to light and come in around the windows and doors. They come out of the earth after a rain. Duct tape has been our best defense for insects as we have put it around windows and stuffed rugs under doors.

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