Monday, February 16, 2009

Two Philips and Education

We spent some time talking with a group of school children while they were on their lunch break. One of the boys said his name was Philip and so Judy had to take a photo of the two Philips. Many of the children have Bible names which are given at baptism. Notice on this photo what the uniform is for this particular school. Each school has a separate uniform which the parents must purchase.

Although education isn't compulsory, it is of primary concern to Kenyans (with the literacy rate currently at 85%--which is high for Africa). Many parents and children make sacrifices so that children can be in private schools. Public schools are free BUT parents still have to pay school fees, buy uniforms, purchase school materials, and provide transportation. For some this is a large burden.

In our neighborhood, we've observed children catching the bus at 5:30 a.m. to take them to private schools in Athi River and some even to Nairobi. These same children return at 6:30 to 7 p.m. They leave home in the dark and return at dusk. They have very little waking time with their families. Even the little kindergarten girl, who is part of a Kenyan family that lives in a flat beside us, leaves on the bus at 7:30 a.m. and doesn't return until 5:30 p.m. It is also common for children, particularly of high school age, to attend private boarding schools for their education.

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