Monday, February 9, 2009

Dr. Tweet Examined 45 People

While in Mombasa, the HEART team (3 from CA, 1 from CO, Phil and Judy, Vickie Winkler the HEART director, and our Kenyan driver) stayed in a beautiful hotel. Before you shake your head in disbelief, let us tell you what happened. Even though it was expensive for us on the team to pay to stay there, the hotel allowed us to bus in 45 people on Saturday to use the hotel facilities for the day. This included their playground, an area where we did arts and crafts, a pool with a water slide and a luncheon for everyone. (The hotel did not charge a fee for the children to eat lunch.) These women and children live only about 15 minutes from this hotel, but had never experienced a treat such as this.

One of our bedrooms was set up as the examining room for Dr. Tweet (from the U.S.). We had a local Kenyan pharmacist donate his time so that medications we had brought along could be given to the women and children. According to law, this was necessary.

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