Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Prayer Request

On Thursday through Saturday, we are going to be in Mombasa with a medical team (doctor and 3 assistants) from the US. The team is helping HEART by giving physical exams and basic care to women and children of the Mombasa WEEP (Women's Equality Empowerment Program) center. Please pray for us and the team as we minister to 8 widows and about 25 children at this center.

DID YOU KNOW? You can enlarge all photos on the blog by double-clicking on them.


  1. Just to let you know we've been thinking about you. Thanks for these updates that let us be apart of your ministry.

    God is pulling things together here in the city as well.

    Brian and Carol

  2. Thanks, it is good to hear from you. Glad your mission is going well also.

