Monday, February 9, 2009

Please Write to Us!

February 3 we celebrated Phil's birthday. Judy baked cookies (instead of a cake) for the 30 students in Phil's class that day. We all sang happy birthday to Professor Ogden. (This Wednesday she will bake cookies for the 50 students in Phil's other class.) We'd love to hear from you either on this blog OR send us an email at! Our hotmail account hasn't been working here, so please use this gmail address. We're hungry for news from our family and friends. We have no TV or newspaper here at our flat.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers and thoughts!


  1. Grandma and Papa,
    I am learning about magnets in science class. I also learned how to snow shoe in P.E.
    We sent you a package!
    Love you!

  2. Chantel,
    That's great you are learning about magnets. I am teaching Electricity & Magnetism here. Papa

    Hi Chantel, We'll look forward to the package and let you know when we've received it. Snow shoeing? Wow, we'll be anxioux to see that next winter! Love, Grandma
